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The Burning Crusade Classic: Best Professions in WoW TBC Classic

There are a number of guides for Burning Crusade Classic Profession system, you can learn about the most efficient ways of level different Professions, the more profitable Profession for WOW TBC gold making, or the best Profession in the game. In this article, we’ll focus on the WOW TBC Classic Best Professions for PVP.


Tailoring will be the profession of choice for cloth-wearing classes like Warlock, which is the strongest DPS class in TBC. The profession provides numerous powerful pre-raid pieces of gear and also gives Warlocks their best-in-slot two-piece Spellstrike set.

Meanwhile, there are three types of special cloth that tailors can create, similar to Classic’s Mooncloth, that can be used to craft various goodies and gear. Just like Mooncloth, all three types of cloth are on a multiple-day cooldown, so they’ll be highly sought after early in Phase One.


Alchemy will be great and TBC for the same reason. As in class say you can craft consumables that people use for reading. Parsing is a huge thing in classic and people are absolutely willing to spend the golden consumables and things will not change in TBC. People have sent, we don’t need as much consumables in TBC, but listen have also sent they’re looking to make reading content harder by giving us access to pre-interview bosses. So I feel like consumables will be huge. We even get access to DPS petitions and TBC. So there’s a lot of possibilities here. One thing I personally learned in classic was that by buying materials during the weekend and crafting consumables and selling on rate days, I made about 50% profit every single week MTBC alchemists can also take advantage of transmuting, just like in classic. And you get access to specifically three big transmutes.


Jewelcrafting is newly added in The Burning Crusade Classic, jewelcrafting allows you to craft rings, trinkets and gems, people can also learn prospecting which allows them to break ore down into raw gems. You can go jewelcrafting create these gems and then swap them back. The other benefit of being a jewelcrafter is some additional trinkets, these are similar to alchemy where they're good starting items to tide you over until you find your best in slot, the difference being these are going to be available on release and in the case of the panther, trinket last a very long time for certain classes, the panther is incredibly strong for rogues and feral druids and makes jewelcrafting a very strong profession to have purely for the added stealth level whereas the other decent trinket, the serpent can be a great trinket for casters who have mana issues due to the huge amount of intellect, so specs like elemental balance or shadow priests these trinkets will also be upgradable in later phases alongside also gaining some decent bind on pickup necklaces, for early phases, we recommend rogues ferals and potentially shadow priests balanced druids and elementals to consider picking up jewelcrafting solely for the trinkets.


Blacksmithing remains relatively the same as Classic, you've got two main specializations Weaponsmith and Armorsmith at level 40 and Skill level 200. With a specialization, you have access to a handful of new recipes. Weaponsmiths can further specialize as an Axesmith, Hammersmith, or Swordsmith at level 50 with skill level 250. All of the items are Bind on Pickup, meaning only Blacksmiths with that specialization can equip them. If you're a melee DPS wanting to PVP, weaponsmithing is going to provide you with a huge weapon that you can obtain very quickly and in the case of warriors lasts you a very long time and in terms of profession advantages, it doesn't get bigger than blacksmithing.


Leatherworking is similar to tailoring and the fact that you have three main sub professions: Tribal Leatherworking, which focuses around intellect leather gear and the windhawk set so good for balance druids, Dragonscale Leatherworking focusing around Ebon Netherscale and Netherstrike all of which being intellect based and then Elemental Leatherworking is focused around leather agility users. Both the Tribal and Dragonscale leatherworking gear is just not worth it for PVP and is quickly replaced by the blue honor gear as the specs that can make use of it, so druids hunters or shaman all need good levels of stamina and resilience, the primal strike gear from elemental leatherworking is the exception and can actually provide a ton of value for both rogues and ferals as a more offensive option to their blue honor gear but will only last until you can replace it with the arena gear. Aside from that the other benefit leather workers get is Drums, their benefits are incredibly strong and in solo PVP or battlegrounds can give you a huge edge but they're also party wide, so even if you're not a leatherworker you can still gain their benefits but if you're talking purely arena then these, fortunately, are disabled so the only real use of leatherworking is if you're a feral or robe wanting to have an early offensive gear set instead of the blue high warlord or grand marshal gear.


The last professions are what you can call gathering professions, these are mining, herbalism and skinning, all three of these grants no benefits when it comes to PVP, apart from herbalism which gives you some very minor consumables like flame cap but these cannot be used in arena, the whole point of gathering professions is to make gold or aid in leveling and providing materials for your main professions, for instance, skinning and leatherworking go hand, as does mining and blacksmithing, herbalism and alchemy.

These methods are going to be more or less profitable depending on what class you’re playing, how good you are, if you want to farm TBC Classic Gold, you can try these S-tier and A-tier professions we mentioned. Maybe, you are tired of farming money in World of Warcraft Classic TBC, is here to provide the easiest and quickest way to get gold, by with real world money! cheapest price and instant delivery!

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The Burning Crusade Classic: Best Professions in WoW TBC Classic  :: There are a number of guides for Burning Crusade Classic Profession system, you can learn about the

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